Managment of the Company

The highest management body of the Company is the General Shareholder Meeting.

The highest management body of the Company is the General Shareholder Meeting.

Company management, except for issues related to authority of the General Shareholder Meeting, is executed by the Board of Directors.

Management of day-to-day operations of the Company is performed by the sole executive body – General Director and the collective executive body – Management Committee. The General Director is at the same time the Chairman of the Company.

Financial and economic activity of the Company is controlled by the Audit Commission of the Company.

The Audit Commission of the Company is elected by the General Shareholder Meeting and carries out its activities according to the legislation, existing Charter and Audit Commission Regulations authorized by the General Shareholder Meeting.

Board of the Management Committee:

Fedor Afanasiev

Vladimir Budylin

Eduard Davydov

Yuri Ivanov

Ilshat Mukhametshin

Dilara Nasretdinova

Sergei Podtsepnyak

Rail Fatkullin